Friday 26 November 2010

Environmental Noise Measurements

Noiseair have been commissioned to carry out a series of noise measurements over a 3 day period in order to monitor environmental noise impact from traffic noise etc to a new 114 bedroomed hotel situated in the centre of Leicester City. The building construction work is now well under way and Noiseair will work closely with the main contractor until proposed completion in February 2011.
Nearing completion, further noise measurements will be carried out to confirm that the new hotel meets the required standard in accordance with Part E building regulations (sound insulation).

Friday 19 November 2010

Acoustic Doors!

Large or small... EVERY project to Noiseair is important! We have recently designed & manufactured a small acoustic door set for a local building company, to be incorporated into an existing building. Although only a small door our clients requirements were quite intricate, including the manufacture using polished Stainless Steel and several other bespoke requirements that we fulfilled without problem.

Home Studio Build Project

Our client wanted to build a home studio to be used for band practice, including drums, and her priority was not to become a noise nuisance to her neighbour! In order to achieve maximum results we recommended an initial site survey where we conducted a series of noise measurements to the proposed room area.
We recommended that a 'room in a room' type studio be constructed, which would also need to be double walled and fully sealed with ventilation.
Our client thankfully contacted us at the project design stage... so important, and by doing this we were not only able to make our recommendations but able to work alongside the builder too!
Quite often as Acoustic Consultants we are called in AFTER building work has been completed only to find that a bit of foam stuck to an adjoining wall... unfortunately will not work!!

Acoustic Curtain For Demolition Site

Noiseair have recently supplied a number of acoustic curtains to our client who was looking to reduce noise, on a temporary basis, whilst working on a demolition site. This acoustic barrier not only gave our client the noise reduction he was looking for but also a cost effective solution that could be easily dismantled and re-used over and over again should he need it.

Acoustic Fencing to garden boundary

Our client contacted us with a commonly experienced problem of her garden backing onto a public park area which was becoming a noise nuisance with children playing and youths gathering there in the evenings.

We carried out noise measurements and established that it would be beneficial to construct an acoustic fence to the boundaries which would not only reduce the noise levels to an acceptable level but also would double up to provide a more adequate security boundary.